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Astrodust said:

Throwing stones??? Um regardless if a person chooses to play on one system or own them all doesn't change the fact that there is a video game console war. I am not talking about the fans that act as fuel and make up the demographics. I am talking about the console makers. These companies are no different than movie studios or rival car company's. Yes sometimes the games suffer, but in the long run it's better that they all exist. They challenge each other. And when did I insult your intelligence? There are people on this forum that either try to get along and see things openly, or call people names at the first opportunity and antagonize everyone. Which one are you? Cause being one will hinder your growth as a person. Why not debate the games and the industry instead of the person. Anger will cloud your vision.


"In case you don't realize it there is a console war going on."

Pretty much this is insulting as we are on a videogame website...dedicated to the tracking of sales! Your grandma wouldn't be on this website if she was just casual interested in buying that Wii thing she has seen on her TV.

Attempting to "inform" me of this war is pretty asinine as I've been buying videogames for 20 years and I'm well aware of the competition between companies for ones dollar. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that your shoes need tying now do I?

In regards to throwing stones, you either you don't follow my statements or you are twisting them. Go back and re-read my statement again. It is perfectly clear that I'm showing your own actions are not perfect as you attempt to play Dali Lama and tell me that I have inner anger issues.

This non-sense is getting out of hand, as I have now been attempting to argue issues about buying an entire game ala carte now, and seem to be told I need some anger management.

Astro, if you care about my inner soul please PM me and keep this gibberish out of the factual argument from here on out as you keep attempting to spin your own arguments about the game issue into personal counseling.


"There are three types of lies : Lies, damned lies, and statistics." - Benjamin Disraeli ( Made famous by Mark Twain )

PSN ID: DeviantPathways

Wii Number: 0081 3044 1559 2355