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Griffin said:
I just want to make one thing clear, CoD5 has zero resemblance or play style similar to CoD4, CoD5 looks better then CoD4 on the 360/PS3 but the gameplay is broken, go watch the video's. So if Treyarch can't even get the gameplay to work on the other two systems what makes you think they will even have a chance of making it work on the wii. So if you are looking for a CoD4 playing on the wii then Cod5 is not it.

The conduit has not impressed me so far, i have also watched the more recent videos too. Maybe the game will come together before it comes out. But as of right now both games will bomb very hard on the market.


1. Because Wiimote with the IR is closer to PC controls then a normal controller, they have a better chance of making a better game then the PS3 and 360 versions.

2. You either A must not be a big PC FPS fan, B not a big fan of Half-Life, or C too much of a Sony fan to notice when somethings good on another console haha

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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