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mk dont forget the wii in there i think that is what has suprised both M$ and $ony. ninty has gotten the non gamer lookin and wanting which the ps2 had in its hayday. with the wii's get off the couch and have fun wiimote that is whats appealing parents and everyone else to get a wii. they say more and more kids are getting obese and sitting on couch's and playing videogames more and more. ninty has come up with the perfect way to get them off the couch excersizing without realizing they are excersizing. so parents are happy, and playing and the whole family values thing is there. but with the ps3 and xbox360 all they see is fat kids playin games on expensive game machines and doesnt sit well and confusing controls baffles older and younger gamers so it shuts off the need for those kind of machines. the GC was a game machine and it did poorly compared to the xbox and ps2 cause of the non gamer factor

dick cheney loves me, he wants to take me hunting


mkwii code- 1977-0565-0049