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shio said:
mrstickball said:
Thing about Fable 2 versus Fable 1 is that Lionhead has actually SHOWN what they promised.

I was a Fable 1, Day-One guy that was severely disappointed, because they promised so much, and gave so little....Especially the game length.

Fable 2, even though I won't get it day-1, looks to be vastly more promising, because there's a lot more media on the game's contents.

And having said all of that: Fable had some of the best ARPG combat elements in a long time. It was very, very good in that respect...Overall, Fable was a VERY solid RPG, but just lacked length.

No, it didn't. Combat mechanics were probably the worst part of Fable. It was shallow, 1-button-mashing fest and the enemies were too easy.

If you want an ARPG with good combat elements, then check Titan Quest.


You must hate Legend of Zelda, hunh?

Fable's combat was indeed well done when you learned to combo your magic and arrow attacks together to create some mayhem.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.