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Trolls are a double edged sword.

Trolling doesn't bother me too much, because I feel like they are unknowingly playing devil's advocate. They encourage more conversation (and more traffic).

On the other hand, some are jsut down right dumb and outlandishly irrevlevant. Even when they are moderately trolling some do it to much (I try to stay out of 360 threads, because I can sound like a troll sometimes because I am so angry at MS for wasting my money, mine broke before warranty extentions and their new one still doesn't cover all the flaws. I don't hate MS or 360, I am just angry. The games are good, and MS wil correct the problem and be good for gaming.)

the key is if they bother you or they take over a thread you can either take it in stride and have fun with them or you can ignore them.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.