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Li Mu Bai said: dallas said: Also, console makers probably as a matter of practice put a "penalty" in their contracts for game developers moving to multiple consoles....b/c they would probably want to encourage the exclusivity of the game on their console. I'm fairly certain that this is not true dallas, as this would drive a wedge between console developer & studio relationships. No console manufacturer wants this, remember Yamauchi & Square's feud & what it ultimately cost Nintendo. I've a few friends within the industry & none have ever mentioned this.
Well, otherwise, it would be a universal that all games are on all 3 platforms or at least the 360/PS3 combo. Besides, no offense, but I highly doubt that of your friends were privy to the details of the contracts between sony and the developers. We hardly hear anything about this, and as explained in the previous post, its the kind of like your pay at won't discuss it b/c they don't want to piss off the developers and if the developers do discuss it, it might be corporate BS.