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Remember when they made Halo 2 Vista only and tried to get game manufacturers to stop supporting XP? That was pretty funny, I think Halo 2 is STILL the only Vista only game.

You'd think after what? 6 years of development? That MS could make a better operating system, but I find myself trying desperately to find my XP professional codes to go back. I can't count the number of weird memory errors in games (most notably AoC, it was so bad I had to stop playing) and other problems with Vista. I have to confirm every action or get equally annoying pop ups for disabling the confirm system, 2 GBs of my RAM is eaten by....nothing, random crap leaving less then half of my 4GBs open for use, Direct X is kinda pointless because I have to turn the settings down in most games to get them to work with the memory issues (high res graphics take up extra RAM).

I think every Vista PC should come with a Satan Inside sticker mandatory. Thank god I have a mac so I'm only using vista for games, if I had to use that crappy OS 24/7 I'd go insane, maybe so insane I'd even try Linux for real (instead of just for a weekend on my PS3).

My dream is a world in which firefox, safari and opera become the main browsers, open office and google docs become the document standards, open GL knocks direct X out of gaming (its inferior in every way except MS propriotary nazism), Mac and Linux are the OS standards and Sony and Nintendo are the two video game console makers. Such a beautiful idea, maybe it will come true by 2020 (MS is already on its way down the tubes in the past 2 or so years, Google AND Apple are about to pass it up in market valuation within the next few years).

Speaking of hacks, what I REALLY want to work out (its semi functional now) is Wine which lets you emulate direct X and Windows on the mac and Linux OSes for games. That would be a great end run, if you could get Direct X 10 with mac and Linux but not XP, I would smile for days at that.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me