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The Gamecube had 12 titles at launch which was about double the PS2 and XBOX(US), so I don't think that is an effective argument. Especially when Dreamcast had 22 launch titles.

Gamecube also had 180 Titles launched in 6 months. The reall issue, no one cared.

I think the real element that led to Nintendo's lack of sales would be atributed to them being obviously black balled by retailers and members of the periodical community/news orginizations. I have never seen such a crappy job of game coverage on a major system in all my life. EGM reviewed less than 1% of total Gamecube games. When you went into a game store there was like one shelving unit for Gamecube (Hence the Penny Arcade comic "We are'nt aloud to admit Gamecube exsists, who said the G word?). Market Bias is what hurt nintendo the most. Why this happened I don't know, but I think it's obvious that had it recieved equal treatment with XBOX and PS2 we would have seen an enteirly different story last gen.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself