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The main reason there's even Xbox Originals on XBLA in the first place is that the 360 is not fully BC with all original Xbox games, only certain ones... unlike the Wii which is fully backwards compatable with all GameCube games, controllers and memory cards, thats why the Wii is basically "2 GameCubes taped together"

Not to mention the fact that the 360 has HDDs ranging from 20GB to 120GB, more then enough to hold all the Xbox Originals. Even IF Nintendo were to actually release some kind of HDD add-on or allow for SD cards to be used to store and run all games, it still wouldn't be enough memory... Wii can only read SD cards up to 2 gigs right now, and I'd seriously doubt they would bother to release a storage unit even close to the minimum of the 360's HDD sizes.

And honestly... why would you spend roughly $15-$20, maybe more, on downloadable versions of old GC games when you can pick them up used and play them on your Wii anyway for about half those prices on average.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.