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Everyone here is only voting by which console they prefer. Their two different games. One is 3rd person and one is First person. You should compare against equal as different styles use different amount of power. Most 3rd person games look decent as your set back from the character and rarely zoom right in. In FPS the main part of the screen is taken up by the weapon which has to have high textures and animation. As for the bloke saying i prefer gears game play so it will be better please explain to me your hands on with Killzone 2 to make such a comparison.

Now lets compare Halo 3 graphics to Killzone 2 graphics as they are both FPS. We can't compare as there is no contest. Judging graphics by textures shows a complete lack of understanding of what makes good graphics. Style, presentation, animation , lighting, feel etc all add up. There is no doubt that Killzone 2 is one of the best looking FPS out there and only an Xbox fanboy would argue otherwise.