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@johnlucas - Looking forward to it.

@BenKenobi88 - I'm in the same boat as you, really. If it wasn't clear, I'm a Christian myself, and I deal with the same dilemma in trying to justify my enjoyment of certain violent games/movies in the face of my faith. Resident Evil 4 has its gory moments, for instance, but I love that game with a passion. And you're right, these types of media aren't necessarily good for us, but if we're mature enough as individuals then we have to imagine that any damage done is really very minimal (I'm inclined to believe so, anyway). However, when a game is created almost solely for the purpose of pushing the envelope with violent and/or sexual content, a red flag autta go up. I'm not completely sure Manhunt 2 falls into that category, but if the AO rating it earned is at all reasonable then it probably does.

But if nothing else, we definitely need to hold the industry responsible for marketing/selling to children. It's just too bad that one of the big names fighting for this is also at times a complete botch-job artist. It makes his whole cause look bad. This interview, at least, sheds a better light on him and his cause, and if he can remain as reasonable from now on as he seems in the interview, maybe he'll garner a bit more support. Otherwise I don't know how he'll thrive.

"Whenever you find a man who says he doesn't believe in a real Right and Wrong, you will find the same man going back on this a moment later."   -C.S. Lewis

"We all make choices... but in the end, our choices... make us."   -Andrew Ryan, Bioshock

Prediction: Wii passes 360 in US between July - September 2008. (Wii supply will be the issue to watch, and barring any freak incidents between now and then as well.) - 6/5/08; Wow, came true even earlier. Wii is a monster.