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couchmonkey said:
I'm curious if anyone saw the actual presentation live. Malstrom claimed in one of his blog postings that Reggie announced that Nintendo was starting a new company designed to disrupt Nintendo itself. He claimed this was at the end of the conference, and interestingly every copy of the E3 conference I can find has a sudden glitch just when it sounds like Reggie is about to say something really juicy - like so:

"The fact is that Mr. Iwata and Mr. Miyamoto have built a company in that perpetual pursuit of that one thing: the next advantage. Not just the evolution in look, but the revolution in feel..." *belch* "...thanks for your attention, and we'll see you over the next few days."

If Reggie actually announced such a venture, this would be arguably the biggest news of Nintendo's press conference (for those who care about business) but I can't find it. Perhaps Malstrom was exaggerating.


He didn't say a new company, just Nintendo continually pushing themselves to do something new and not get comfortable.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.