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I'm curious if anyone saw the actual presentation live. Malstrom claimed in one of his blog postings that Reggie announced that Nintendo was starting a new company designed to disrupt Nintendo itself. He claimed this was at the end of the conference, and interestingly every copy of the E3 conference I can find has a sudden glitch just when it sounds like Reggie is about to say something really juicy - like so:

"The fact is that Mr. Iwata and Mr. Miyamoto have built a company in that perpetual pursuit of that one thing: the next advantage. Not just the evolution in look, but the revolution in feel..." *belch* "...thanks for your attention, and we'll see you over the next few days."

Edit: Oh, wait, I get it...Malstrom interpreted that comment to mean they had built a new company, but I think the company Reggie is referring to is Nintendo.  Ho-hum?!

As for the rest of the conference (finally took the time to watch tonight), there was nothing as interesting as Wii Fit shown from a disruption perspective, but I'd say Nintendo is now in the sustaining phase anyway.  Interestingly, I'd say Malstrom's thought of starting a new company could be a huge secret weapon for Nintendo.  Imagine if Sony and Microsoft not only had to compete with Nintendo, but with a company headed by top Nintendo talent whose sole purpose was to disrupt Nintendo?

This might also be a good opportunity to find successors for Miyamoto.  He would have work for one company or the other, not both.