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FJ-Warez said:
Xen said:
mrstickball said:
deathgod33 said:
doubt it, square isnt that evil.

What do you mean by 'evil'? We're talking about the same Squaresoft that had promotional pictures in Nintendo Power showing Barret, Cloud & Co with gameplay footage, only to jump over to the PS1 exclusively.

Companies make games to get money. If Square decies that a game will be more profitable on console X, Y, or X+Y, then it's their job as a company to make the needed adjustments to do such. That's part of business.

At this point in the game, and the collapse of the PS3 as the inherant JRPG console, it would seem that XIII should indeed go over. To Otakus and JRPG lovers in Japan, it would only make sense to back the best JRPG console with the crown gem of JRPG's in their home land (nonwithstaning the fact that DQ9 is already a DS exclusive).


Yeah, FF VII went over to the PS1 because of money.. ever thought about the N64 being inadequate? all of you box fanboys can talk as much as you want, but that is not gonna happen, mark my words.


If you thought about it carefully, $$$ was the main reason, the N64 used cartridges, expensive and with very low memory, the old N64 devkits were expensive as heck, and Nintendo pissed off a lot the 3rd partys, Sony and the PS were the only logical solution, everything is about money...

Why do think that FFXIII en up multi??? For money issues or for the PS3 being inadequate???


Because Square wanted more money/Microsoft helped them. The N64 didn't allow Square to make the game as they wanted to, and so it went over to the system that did.