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Silent Hill Homecoming, the fifth story in Konami's Silent Hill franchise, will be heading to the PC along with hitting the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.

The game will be available as a digital download through Steam and is expected to launch in September.

In Silent Hill Homecoming you play as Alex Shepherd, who returns to his hometown of Shepherd's Glen to investigate the sudden disappearance of his brother and the strange occurrences taking place around town. Shepherd's story takes him from his childhood home to the streets of Silent Hill, as searches for his missing brother.

This latest Silent Hill will feature a graphics overhaul, new combat system, new soundtrack and, of course, plenty of new weapons.

So a simultaneous release PC/360/PS3. Looks like Konami is finally getting how PC works.


EDIT: It's not coming just to Steam, by the way. It will ofcourse have a PC-DVD release, and probably coming to non-Steam DD services too.