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A. This article claims LBP is a casual game. False. It's actually a bridge title.

B. This article attempts to marginalize Gears of War 2, with Resistance 2 and Killzone 2. Ignorance.

C. This article fails to mention DLC for GTAIV and Fallout 3.

D. This article mentions that MGSIV is "still exclusive" as if it were a failure on Microsoft's part, yet marginalizes other large exclusives MS was able to steal.

This article is written with a basic premise of truth. The 360 is losing ground to the PS3. However, it ventures off its path in attempts to justify and explain that truth. Though the article makes small attempts to also include the Wii, is appears to be very positive about the Playstation 3. In doing so, it does injustice to the Xbox 360.

The article and its writer are pro-Sony. The conclusions are correct, but the path there is full of presumptive fanboyism. Anyone who reads this article, and still claims it is an unbiased look at the current landscape is either in the tank for Sony, or has a poor understanding and comprehension of the article or the facts and opinions that it attempts to portray.

That'll do 'er.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.