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Sqrl said:

So is changing the subject of the thread something you do often then? What are you basing your statements on? At what point did anyone give you the impression they were annoyed with people who choose halo "over" MP3. See this isn't a one over the other type of deal. It's about recognizing both games are great games.

I never changed the subject of the thread and both games have had good recognition, just look at their respective scores.  The original author was wondering why some FPS fans "don't mention Metroid Prime in the same breath as Halo" and the answer that has been repeated throughout the thread is multiplayer which is important to many FPS fans.

You also seem to think I'm a Halo fanboy but the truth is that I was just stating the obvious and that doesn't make me a fanboy.  I was also pointing out that they both received amazing reviews (I mean lets be honest anything that averages greater than 90 on metacritic is a great game since it's a sample of *many* videogame magazines and websites).

Anyways hopefully this thread dies down because both games are good in their own ways and I'm sure Metroid Prime 3 will get lots of praise for it's new control system just as I'm sure Halo fans will enjoy Halo 3.