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Any guesses on total sales for this generation? We won't know until 2010-2011 at the earliest, so you'll lose nothing by guessing. I have the portables total userbase like this... DS - 65-75 million PSP - 31-38 million Consoles: 360 - XBOX sold about 16 million in N.A...roughly as sucessful as the Sega Genesis..360 has a larger presence in N.A. and the 'other' territories.. I'd say it sells 30-40 million NA: 18-23 million Others: 12-16 million Jap: .5-1.5 mill. Wii - Wii could be huge in all three territories...But I think it will only be huge in Japan. It will appeal to more gamers in N.A. and 'others' than Game Cube I'd say it sells 40-50 million GC had 12 million in the N.A.... NA : 16-20 million Others: 10-15 milllion Japan: 13-18 million I'd say it sells 39-53 million PS3 - No console company has ever been on top for more than 2 generations. Pattern seems to be holding true. Sony has built up good will with gamers, but the business models of Microsoft and Nintendo are better. NA: 14-18 million Others: 11-16 million Japan: 8-12 million I'd say it sells 33-46 million

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu