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@Kytiara - Aren't you? Or just all of them? (Only half serious, since I assume you are the same.)

Be fair here, people. Jack Thompson may be one to throw the baby out with the bath-water (in tending to ignore the artistic aspect of mature games due to the mature content), but let's not commit the crime of not getting rid of the bath-water at all. That baby needs to dry off. That is, you don't have to defend all video games just because you're a gamer. If no video game can do wrong by the gaming community, we're going to end up justifying anything. Take a step back and notice the trend of increasingly violent/sexual games and decide when too much is too much. There is such a thing as going too far, don't you think?

If his only goal actually is simply trying to keep mature games out of the hands of children, why are we trying to cut off his nads? (IF that is all he wants, as he says, since many other indirect sources say he wants to kill video games completely. But why would he misrepresent his own goals?)

This article really does shed some light on the real Jack Thompson; I'm not his biggest fan, to be sure, and he's definitely made some bad decisions and stupid mistakes (and I disagree with several of his claims), but I think we do need to be mature about the subject and actually attempt to process the facts instead of name calling and using his religious convictions as a launch-pad for attacks on him (Honestly, is he actually a religious "fanatic", or just religious?).

And for God's sake, what is with people sending this guy death threats and cussing him out and all this? Why would we give him the ammo? We all want games to be taken seriously and to be considered art by the general population, but then when it comes to representing the gaming community we act like children. Sorry rabbit, art is for adults.

And this guy is even willing to admit that there are games that can be considered art, that are beautiful and moving. Hello? This guy isn't the devil some want us to believe he is. We can at least give him that.

"Whenever you find a man who says he doesn't believe in a real Right and Wrong, you will find the same man going back on this a moment later."   -C.S. Lewis

"We all make choices... but in the end, our choices... make us."   -Andrew Ryan, Bioshock

Prediction: Wii passes 360 in US between July - September 2008. (Wii supply will be the issue to watch, and barring any freak incidents between now and then as well.) - 6/5/08; Wow, came true even earlier. Wii is a monster.