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gebx said: Well this got way off topic.. It was a simple "would it be possible to track Next Gen DVD's?" Topic. Oh and isn't funny how the PS3 people are saying that the console war isn't over even though there getting "trounced" Yet, when it comes to HD DVD vs Blu Ray, they say the opposite. That it's over, Blu Ray has HD DVD beat. Funny how people see things.
People like to use this thing called logic. Have you ever seen a console war end in a few months? Has the PS3 launched in Europe yet? Is Home out yet? Is MGS4? FF13? LittleBigPlanet? God of War 3? Of course it's not over. It might as well be over for the 360 in Japan, but that's the only sure thing at this point. As for gosh. HD-DVD came out first, sold more throughout the year last year, and it takes less than 2 months for blu-ray to catch up. You don't think that's a sign in blu-ray's favor? What is planned to slow down the success of blu-ray at this point? Almost every week another set of movies is released on blu-ray that is not on HD-DVD, every movie that is on both formats is selling much better on blu-ray now, and there are only going to be more and more PS3s and now a new $600 stand-alone player. Just look at eproduct wars, the signs are there.