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Blip said: I have heard The Lord of the Rings is coming on HD with even further expanded editions. My money is with HD if either will win out because of this. My gut still says they will never amount to anything but this generation's laser disc.
You heard that, huh? Good for you. Have you also heard that The Lord of the Rings is a New Line Cinema movie? They are owned by Time Warner just like Warner Bros. is. What does that mean? If it does come out it'll be in both formats unless they have given up on HD-DVD by then. Just like the Departed and other movies recently, it would probably sell better on blu-ray. This comparison to laser discs is ridiculous. You could not record using laser discs. That's why they didn't succeed. Contrary to all the talk about lack of porn on betamax being the reason it failed, the biggest reason was probably the fact that Sony didn't decrease the quality in order to have recording times longer than an hour at first. Can't record a sporting event with that. VHS didn't go away until TiVo and dvd recording.