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Don't worry, the 360 isn't going anywhere and if anything it will be in a much better position in the future compared to the PS3 than it is now. One of the major things that up to now has held back the 360 from slaughtering the PS3 in the console high-end has been it'd overheating issues (notice PS3 fanboys never attack the 360's gaming library because it's far superior to their own and they know it).

That issue (overheating) will be put to rest when the 360's new hardware revision comes out since it'll produce far less heat and be a part of a motherboard redesign to address the overheating issues. When it becomes widely known that the new systems don't have the issues of previous ones it's highly likely that those that were sitting on the fence over quality issues will buy one.

Also there are a few other things that the 360 has going in it's favor. It has an incredibly strong Christmas lineup (Nintendo may have a stronger first party lineup since they have 3 major games compared to the 360's 1 major first party game (two if you include second party), but the 360's much stronger third party exclusives is what will ensure that the 360 has a very good Christmas. Regardless of what some people hope for, there simply isn't any game coming this X'mas for the PS3 that has the hype and expectations of Halo 3. They may have Haze and UT3, but the former is an unproven franchise and the latter is PC based with many of it's fans choosing the PC version as opposed to Halo 3's console roots. There's a reason why Sony excutives have been coming out and saying Christmas 2007 isn't a big deal for them.

As for next year things will likely get even better as the strong third party sales on the 360 this year will help attract new games and the very poor PS3 third party sales will likely catch up to the PS3 and we'll see reduced third party support compared to the 360.

So before throwing in the towel I only ask that you wait until December 31st because I have a feeling you'll be *much* happier about the 360s future then :)