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Carlos 710: mods should create an "official LBP thread" (like the smash one) for LBP and close all the other threads.

Put all the love, hate, reviews, videos or whatever in the official thread and leave the rest of the forum in peace



Thank U.

Yacuzaice: Umm, I don't think anyone (non-fanboys) complains about games like SMG or other good "kiddie" games.  People complain about mini game collections, Imagine Babies, etc.


O0oo0o sr. u havent been in a certain spanish web site. I wasnt just talking about this site. I know a lot (believe me when i say alot) of people that attacked Mario galaxy just because of the looks and that now they r saying LBP will be great.

Akuma587: I think im dumber...

Sorry, english is not my first language.