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Onimusha12 said:
Is it wrong to enjoy watching HD fanboys split hairs over which version of HD games are better on which console?

No. Unless you start in about the Wii's "superior" controls.....

OT: It's PR guys. Fact is. Multi-plat games will always be nearly equal regardless of the power of the consoles (well, the Wii is an exception, but you get the idea....) The way to compare the power of consoles in through their exclusives and if you look at those, the PS3 is definitely more powerful. Why do I say this? Well, the PS3 has been out for one year less than the 360, it's dev SW is crap compared to the 360, and it's about 60x as hard to program for (not literally, but you get the idea); YET Uncharted + GT5:P + MGS4 own anything on the 360 from a purely technical standpoint. In other words, PS3 devs have had a year less to work on more difficult hardware with inferior programming tools and the PS3's exclusives are still better than the 360s. The only way this can be possible is if the PS3's hardware is more than a negligible amount superior to the 360's.

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it