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The new Xbox360 60 gb fails as a space heater, well not if you're a closet Xbox 360 fan. It just won't put out enough heat to keep the toes of gamers toasty and warm this winter. Im glad that I have my Falcon blowing a nice stream of warm air on my toes when it gets all frosty outside, so I feel kinda happy that I "jumped in" before they killed that amazing feature.

All you'll be getting from your 60gb Xbox360 this winter is a rather mild 38.8C or 100F breeze, not much better than wrapping your toes around a 100W bulb and the only advantage the Xbox360 has over the bulb is that you won't be getting a crispy burning smell coming from your socks.


DVD playback (Ducktales DVD)
                      Volts   Amps   Watts   VA    PF
PS3 40GB    117.3   1.27   148W    149   .99
360 60GB    110     1.25    81W    138   .59
360 20GB    110?    1.72   111W    189?  .59

Gaming (PS3 Resistance, 360 Gears of War)
                       Volts   Amps   Watts   VA    PF   Temp
PS3 40GB    117.3   1.27   142W    149   .95
360 60GB    112.4   1.52   101W    171   .59  38.8C
360 20GB    112.4   2.40   160W    270   .59

Folding                               ----Temp----
                                       Watts  1hr    8hr
PS3 40GB                       157    49.1C  54.2C
PS3 40GB (w/screen saver)      132

As you can see the Xbox360 is emiting a pathetic amount of heat in comparison to the 40gb PS3, im glad Sony got the heat output right. The Xbots are gonna try and spin this and say stuff about reduced hardware failure, bla bla bla. Its all a pathetic attempt to turn peoples attention away from the very real issue of frost bite. Hardware can be replaced, but I dare any one of you to say that you can "grow it back" if the doctor has to cut it off due to frost bite.

Bah, Troll away... I don't care!
