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I was surprised last week when my mother mentioned that she wanted to get a Nintendo DS (actually she is such a non-gamer that she wasn't even sure what the handheld was called) and Brain Age.  She is basically worried about getting Alzheimer's disease and has gotten the impression from word of mouth and commercials that the game will reduce the risk of her getting it.  I suspect that there are a lot of consumers who have been given the same impression even though there hasn't been a serious study (or any study I'm aware of for that matter) to prove that it does indeed make a difference.  The only thing I could find was on Wikipedia and it was a quote from the National Executive Director of Alzheimer's Australia in which he says: "A lifestyle that includes routine mental activities may increase alertness and agility of thought.".  He doesn't quote any studies or anything at all to back up his statement and Nintendo is donating money to their group.

Then there is Wii Fit which from the videos I've seen has no real chance of making anyone fit.  The worst part is that the device will likely take time away from actually going to a gym or elsewhere and getting the exercise that would actually get them into shape.  I realize that people say "Well it's better than just playing a videogame" but that's not the point I'm trying to make.  Some of the people that will be buying into the whole Wii Fit craze will be non-gamers who likely wouldn't have been playing games otherwise.

Anyways sorry for ranting but I find this as sleazy as those selling fake diet pills or poor exercise equipment or any of the other things that companies do that takes people's money under false pretenses or no real scientific evidence.  I'd have far more respect for Nintendo if they actually had a large warning on the game and in commercials that it's only a game and that there is no scientific evidence that Brain Age actually improves intelligence or reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.  And they should include something similar with Wii Fit saying it's only a fun prop to use for videogames and people that are actually seeking to become fit should go to a gym or elsewhere.