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Garcian Smith said:
NightDragon83 said:

You know what's sad, not only is half your list of games not worth drooling over, but you've also listed pretty much every notable title to be released on Wii between now and the second quarter of '09... that's even more sad when you realize that Nintendo's big guns for the holiday season are Wii Music and an updated Animal Crossing with online... yawn.


You mean that... gasp... people actually have different opinions than you? The horror! Also, your second point is just plain wrong; there's a ton of promising games announced for Wii that he didn't mention.

Go get excited over Dark, Gritty Shooter #37201 or something and leave us with our excellent lineup of Wii games, thanks.


Well unfortunately I really have no other choice thanks to Nintendo's skimpy release lineup... besides, it's way better than getting excited over "Casual Mini-Game Collection #1,924,567... WITH bonus useless accessory that has zero gameplay value for FREE!"

I'm not knocking anyone else's opinion at all... IMO its an OK line-up of games but there's no top-tier AAA game coming out for Wii that I'm personally looking forward to anytime soon.

I bought a Wii to enjoy Nintendo's AAA quality titles, but unfortunately since they've all but abandoned the hardcore market in favor of mass appeal, those kinds of games are becoming much more scarce.... back in the day Nintendo didn't have to dumb down its premier franchises to appeal to the casual audiences.  The Metroids, the old Zeldas, and of course the Mario Bros. series were pretty tough and yet could still be thoroughly enjoyed by virtually anyone, and that went for most AAA games during the NES/SNES heydays... playable for everyone but gave a serious challenge.


BTW, here's my lineup of games that I'm lookin forward to playing for the rest of '08...

Wii.. Wario Land, and maybe CoD5 if online is solid.  That's it.

WiiWare... Rest of the Strong Bad series, Mega Man 9, maybe some VC games if Nintendo finally gets off its ass and gives us some type of storage solution, be it a firmware update for SD cards (which i would very much like) or some proprietary hard drive (which i would very much NOT like).

360...  The Force Unleashed (not the watered down Wii version), Ghostbusters (ditto, although now it's delayed indefinitely, argh!) Left 4 Dead, Gears 2, Banjo-Kazooie (praying to whoever's up there that it does NOT suck), Fallout 3

Xbox Live... Braid (which I just picked up, awesome game) Bionic Commando Rearmed, and Portal

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.