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Final Fantasy
Fire Emblem
Resident Evil

Metal Gear

and in a strange world where the only two Tales games are Tales of Symphonia, and Tales of the Abyss, the "Tales of" series gets honorable mention, as well as Devil May Cry, Guitar Hero, Diablo, Warcraft, Fallout, Heroes of Might and Magic, Tekken, and Call of Duty.

There have been a ton of great games that I hope will be amongst my "favorite series" once they get a few more games behind them, like Beyond Good and Evil, Bioshock, and Fable.

That said, Zelda and Final Fantasy are lightyears above everything else for me. I could take just the Zelda and Final Fantasy series, and be happy on a desert island for the rest of my life.


A series that gets no respect from me, is Grand Theft Auto. I feel there were 2 good games in the over-rated series. GTAIII, and GTAIV, and only GTAIV was truely spectacular.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.