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deadt0m said:
BMaker11 said:
deadt0m said:
BMaker11 said:
CrazzyMan said:
That`s why, PS3 and x360 versions of FFXIII in NA and Europe will come at same time, even if x360 version hasn`t been started yet. =)))

This. Not to mention the Last Remnant on 360 coming out when the PS3 version isn't done.

Yeah...M$ money is involved


I love how people say M$ like Sony is some mom and pop organization run out of some cute little Japanese grandma's study.


Well......they aren't. They don't dish out big bucks to get games. 3rd party games have been on the PS3 since the start (Assassin's Creed, GTA, DMC). It's M$ who spends all this money to get the games on their console because otherwise it wouldn't happen. Why? Because they only have one market. They only appealed to adolescent boys with their "GRRRR!!! HULKED UP SPACE MARINES WITH LASER GUNS!!!!!!" and that's why it only sells well in America. And because of that, game devs didn't want to put their games on a system that would only do well in one place. But when that check from Microsoft came in the mail.....they decided..hey, why not? We're getting paid regardless.









Funny considering how many JRPGs are available/pending on 360, and that minus LBP every anticipated Sony release is a shooter. By the way, the last game I played on 360 with space marines and laser guns was Mass Effect, so how do you like those apples? Enjoy MGS4 and nothing else, whatever.


And all those JRPGs had to have been bought. Why else is Star Ocean 4 not even coming to the PS3, and the Last Remnant is being delayed on the PS3, while the 360 version is still coming out on time if SE is "platform neutral"?

Money. That's why it's abbreviated M$.

And unless you forgot about inFamous, Motorstorm: PR, GT5, the new Naruto, GOWIII, etc. then yeah, KZ2, Socom, and R2 are EVERY anticipated Sony release.

And by no means is this "uncivil"......just kind of pointing out the obvious. The "space marines" type games are the ones the sell and move hardware, the JRPGs don' least not on that platform. The only reason M$ even goes for those types of games is to try and "revive" the 360 in Japan, and it's failing, so they need to just stick to NA and EU, where it's at least worth it to try