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Gobias said:
Sony raped my father and killed my mother.

Now I will avenge my parents by buying 300 Xbox 360's and Wii's!!!

Its genius I tell you, GENIUS!

Can I ask you one question? How is this post even remotely contributing to an MS thread in the MS forum? You are so skilled in the fine art of trolling on the 360. Thanks for providing such an awesome example for the class to look at and hurl over. /PHAIL.

OT: Why should MS have to bribe anyone? I wish people would wake up and realize the PS3 will NEVER, ever be the PS2. It just won't. It is a game player pimped out to push Blu Ray. That's it. Sony, a champ at creating winning formats (ATRAC, MiniDisc, BetaMax), wanted to win this fight. And they did it with little regard for the PS brand.

With sales that are making tiny gains at best on the No. 2 spot, Sony bots are in full defense mode. They are quick to sling allegations like it's welfare cheese. They are quick to say it was meh have Final Fantasy go Multiplat. They are quick to call the 20gb price cut a desperate move by MS. What I find hard to really believe is - folks really believe the dung and poo they are shoveling.

MS is putting Sony into a corner. Coming out a year earlier helped MS big time. So what folks in Europe are buying insane amounts of PS3s. Ok. Guess what? N.A. is keeping Sonydomination off track for the time being. NA wipes out PS3 gains in Europe and it's even getting traction in Japan.

MS will drop the Arcade and watch sales fly. Sony will be forced to play catchup and announce another price cut just to keep up. The $199 price in EU may not spark sales, but it sure will here in the U.S.