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Simple question: what scares you?

For me, it's zombie movies.

I can watch your standard horror movie and not care but zombie movies just always give me the willies.  It's mainly because I just can always imagine those coming true.

With your supernatural killer movie like Nightmare in Elm Street or Friday the 13th, those don't bother me.  They're fun to watch but it never pops in my head that that could happen.  Serial killer movies like Scream or Prom Night also don't bother.  They're more believable than your Freddy movies but still something that doesn't bother.  Even movies like Deliverance really don't bother me and I use to live in the country and go camping all the time. 

Zombie movies though, no matter how unbelievable always shake me.  Even a movie like Shaun of the Dead bothers me.  For some reason, no matter how insane the movie is I can always just imagine a zombie sitting outside my home ready to kill me or turn me into a zombie.  That's probably why I actually love them so much is because they affect me so.

I just watched 28 Days Later... again and that movie still gets me everytime.  It sucks, I'm home alone, I actually get up early tomorrow morning, and every sound outside is going to make me think there's a zombie outside my window.