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Xen said:

No, the Wii can't do the same - it's weaker than the original XB... have you seen Far Cry on the box, by the way?


Seriously when does ignorance end? I'm sure it's been posted and discussed so many times. Are you that new to any of the system data? This is so intergral to the GC being more of a raw power proscer than the XBox, check RISC out. Coupled with the fact that GC was built to have no bottle necks the GC could pump out apx 2.5 times the number crunching ability. It's just that A) MS Shaders are easier to use than TEV and B) most developers don't know what the hell TEV is.

As for the Wii, it's built upon GC with increased stats. It's far more powerful. It just suffers from the same lack of knowledge of TEV and knowing what the machine can do. The benifit that GC and Wii had over last gen is that it is RISC and has no bottle necks. 360 I believe no also uses RISC since they switched to a PPC(same as GC/Wii) and have put effort to remove bottle necks. PS3 still has bottle necks, it's just got massive raw computing power.  Theres just so much effiency the GC/Wii have over the last gen that's it's not funny. I just listed RISC and the catchall.








Anyways I'm not a big fan of Id games anyways. I'm just not a big FPS fan at all.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.