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Soriku said:
I mean the killer AAA games for the PS3 are out in 2008 and the 2 big ones for this year, Warhawk and Lair are coming out next month! Anyway, there is NO chance 2 games will sell a million. No, a bunch of people WITH PS3s will buy then, FEW will buy a game for them. Heck, by the time they come out the PS3 might just be STARTING 4 mil console or are about to start (I get prediction from weekly sales). By year's end it won't sell 8 mil, or 7 mil, and I doubt 6 mil. Look at how long the PS3s been in 3 mil. MONTHS. Don't expect 6-8 mil. Expect a solid 4.9-5.5 if they're lucky. Please next year don't say "LAWLZ, FF XIII AND MGS4 WILL SELL 13 MIL CONSOLES TO KETCHUP WITH WII!11!!bbq!11! cause that won't happen. WKS might not help MUCH either (to sell PS3s). The OTHER games like SC IV, GTA4 (or is it 5? I forgot lol.), etc. I didn't count cause they're going to 360 too >_> Now I want your, honest, honest opinion on this. And if you're gonna act like a fanboy then I advise you LEAVE if you know what's good for you. P.S. All typed on Wii XD

All this talk is making me hungry.