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While it definitely isn't certain, I see more and more possibility of the Wii becoming the cultural phenomenon that some have been predicting.  Right now it is a hot item, but there have been hot video game consoles before.  A constant discussion I see brought up on these boards in discussing Wii lifetime sales is that there are only so many households to buy consoles in the first place. 

But, just imagine if hospitals, nursing homes, day cares ect. all started investing in these for obvious benefits?  Wow, it could be mindblowing.  I'm still skeptical about it ever happening, but I think one could come up with a viable argument that the Wii could do something outragous like 250 mil lifetime sales and really change how we see videogames.  I'm really excited to see if this is possible.

Wii Fit I saw as being very limited at first because it is not much of what I would want to do in regards to working out, yet I can now seeing it have incredible success in regards to physical therapy.  The potential behind the Wii really is outstanding.  I just hope Nintendo doesn't do anything stupid and really listens to buyers this time around.