Back OT: I'd hate to say it but i kinda agree with Riot of the Blood... Brawl just doesn't do it for me, I haven't touched that game in weeks. The online is a joke ( i guess playing with friends you get better connections, but random matches can vary from slight chugs to slide shows during some matches).
As far as fighting games go I've never been that big a fan save for the big arcade titles like MK and Street Fighter, but i love the original Smash for its simplicity and Melee for its unashamedly ode to everything Nintendo... Brawl on the other hand feels like Melee 2.0 and after sinking countless hours into Melee i can't be arsed to do the same with brawl just to unlock a trophy from an obscure game ive never head of.
And I don't know if it's just me, but ive playing with all the control setups in Brawl and i find the gameplay to still be a tad off and not quite as responsive as Melee or the original (my fav)... i cant tell you how many times ill go for an item and instead of picking it up my guy will do some random half-assed move like kick or punch in place or dash passed it, which accomplishes nothing and just leaves me to be a sitting duck for whoever just grabbed that Pokeball or assist trophy i was just about grab. And on top of that there's just so much shit going on at once it's hard to keep track of my character for more than 5 seconds without something blowing up or going apeshit and I'm left scrambling trying to figure out what the hell just happened and where I am, and then i get knocked out. Lame.
IMO Mario Kart is the only Wii game (well maybe MoH:H2) that does online gaming any justice... i'd try joining you guys in Brawl sometime but I'd probably just look like a fool flailing around while everyone else is magically executing perfectly-timed moves like its nothing.
On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.