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Ail said:
sieanr said:
ssj12 said:
Reasonable said:
MS could also do with buying Google and other companies that are giving it trouble around its core business, and Apple would be handy too.

I mean, its not the analysis is flawed as such, its just that you could say that about any competitive company - hell, all Sony has to do is buy Nintendo and the job's done for this generation, right?

Or maybe Apple buys MS entertainment division and shuts down Zune, etc. and uses 360 to get into gaming...

What's missing, apart from a few too vague statements in my opinion, is any real reason for Sony to make such a sale, big losses or not at this stage in time, particularly given how crucial PS3 is right now for BR adoption.


M$ can not afford Google, Nintendo, Apple, or Sony. These companies, and many others, are the world's power houses and therefore would cost as much as a small country to purchase. None of them can afford one another.

As for Blu-ray it  has made some large increases as of late. It has held about 7 - 8% of the US disc based movie market gaining between 7.5 - 9 million dollars in revenue each week. BR adoption doesnt seem to bad for how much it costs.

You have to be a joke poster.

The fact that you think those companies are "the world's power houses" would be funny if it wasn't so naive.

Facts :

Google market cap : 145 Billion $

Apple market cap : 140 Billion $

Sony market cap : 38.4 Billion $

Nintendo market cap : 67.2 Billion $

By comparison Microsoft market cap : 231.3 Billion $

Top 2 software companies worldwide by Market cap : Microsoft and Google.

Top electronics company worldwide for Market cap : Apple ( Intel is only at 128.3 Billion $).






I said among others due to oil companies and WalMart having billions too. The fact is none of the companies would be cheap to buy out in any way shape or form. They are all major corporations.

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