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twesterm said:
Leetgeek said:

Final Fantasy 6 is the best Final Fantasy game (yes better then 7). The GBA version is a perfectly good port of the SNES version except in 1 area, the music, which for some reason is not as good as the SNES version in terms of quality.

Nitpicking? Perhaps, I dunno thats the greatest videogame soundtrack of all time imo so I notice these things.

Really? I LOVE the music



They're both the same music, just the GBA can't do as good as quality sound as the SNES and that's what he means.  It's more compressed I believe?

It's true.

However, the game does come with extra end game dungeons, the ability to play the game after you've completed it, remastered opera sequence, rebalanced difficulty, improved graphics, and an entirely retranslated script.

So, while the GBA doesn't give you the same rich sound you'd get from television speakers, it's hardly noticable unless you compare them side by side in a sound-off.

Besides that, this is without a doubt the premier version of the game. The emulator version is even better, where you can turn the frequency of the music up and get great sound.


Another great update is FFIV DS, which has just been released and remastered.


Check out the two vids posted above. They are an accurate representation of the two games.

Of course, the point is moot, seeing as how the only way you'll be playing the SNES version is if you somehow managed to hang on to your game, or you downloaded it illegally.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.