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I'm (insanely) going to agree with Zen on this one. Not ALL his points but many. Think about it like this:

Game developers rarely even have the production budgets to take advantage of bluray having more space then dvd (PS3 vs. 360). They don't have the time to tap into the cell which is more powerful then 360s processor. How many games have we seen on PS3 that you could "Never" do on 360? One? Two? The point is that it doesn't matter if your system is more powerful if no one is developing games that take advantage of that power because it's not profitable.

Crysis is the only game out that takes advantage a any PC that could out perform PS360. There are more? Not any that I or the general public know about.

I have a gaming PC and a PS3. Which version did I get? The PS3 version for literally $20 off gamefly.