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You're saying so much crap it's insane.

2007 Estimations:

Console Games Revenue - $14 Billions
PC Games Revenue - $11.3 Billions

PC Exclusives 2008 - 99999
Any Console Exclusives 2008 - 30? Average

Seriously, get a grip.

Dragon Age: Origins is not coming to Console. There are no plans to port it, and it will be incredibly hard to port that game. It's like someone asking to port Baldur's Gate 2 to Xbox 360... it's stupid and impossible.

You are ignoring the fact that there are so many amazing PC games coming in the next 18 months, that will put any console to shame. The funny thing is PC will also get all the 'great' exclusive 360 games, and if they get all their games, then how can a console ever beat PC in quality and quantity?

I'm not flaming that Sven guy. I'm 'flaming' the people who think Sven knows the status of DMC4's sales, because he himself said he didn't know. Sven actually has his head in his shoulder: he knows the future of PC gaming is digital distribution, but Capcom Japan are still oblivion to that... that's why he's going to japan soon to convince them to support Digital Distribution (he already had CEI made a deal with dozens of companies for digital distribution of over 100 websites/portals)

Lucas Arts and CliffyB are idiots, simple as that. CliffyB sees the NPD sales and thinks that PC is dieing (idiotic) while Lucas Arts were caught in the Adventure->FPS transition and never gave PC another chance, so they can't complain how PC is doing today.

""PC gaming will probably never again be the monolith it once was, in the way we want to perceive it. In the days when the PC had all the great exclusives. The Half-Life days. Now, it is simply more profitable to release your games across broader platforms. Look at The Orange Box, and imagine how many more copies it sold because it was released on PS360.""

See, this just shows how you know little about PC games. PC sold more than PS3/360 combined by double digits (between 10% and 99%) AND is still selling on PC, including in the more profitable Steam platform.

""Recently, Crazzy said that if developers want to make their games 360 exclusive, even timed, they should and would be punished by Crazzy pirating their games on the 360, because they should have known better than to spite the superior PS3.
Now, why, when Crazzy says it, is it one of the appauling and fanboyism things ever uttered on the interenet, but when the PC gaming community says it en-masse, it must be the developers fault.""

PC gamers are not saying that Capcom should be punished for DMC4 being released late on PC and not on DD services.... we are saying that Capcom IS already being punished for their lack of knowledge of the PC Gaming Market!!