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I´m a hardcore Final Fantasy fan,and let me tell you my friend that this is the best Final Fantasy to date,yeah,there many opinions about it,but the very FF lover coincide in this: Final Fantasy VI is the best FF and perhaps the best RPG out there(with Chrono Trigger in a tie)

The characters,plot,villains,joyful moments,tragic ones,comic too!!!,the opera sequence...(My god!)the espers,the magics,the soundtrack,all in a whole package is beautiful and astounding,but don't let us to overhype you,play this game expecting nothing and you would discover little by little the magic surrounding this game.

Is a little bit hard if you´re not used to this kind of RPG and the additional dungeon is mostly for skilled players but if you level up enough and get the best equipment(Kind of spoiler,but not to much:pay attention to the moment when you can get the "Ultima" magic later in the game,is very important for your success) you can do a decent game.

Congratulations,enjoy the story and remember that the additional dungeon is just for extra value,the main history is the gem.