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konnichiwa said:


1) What? First of all you expected a lot of great games that ended to be a hell load of dissapointments...Haze, HS, Lair then you expected what? That the online service still would be worse on PS3? That a lot of great titles are delayed or getting multiplatform? That it has one of the lowes Japan devs supports? That the sixaxis is rubbish? That they fuck up their fans with cutting out B/C?

2) What do they offer more? A higher price? Ugh why does Sony fanboys always have a X360 that brick so much X_X and a PS2 with no Reading disk problems?

3) We have a winner!! The master of Cherry Picking! Prodigy_BE!!

Cherry picking is the act of pointing at individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position.

4) A B-game? OPM gave it 85-92/100. Woohaa the PS3 then only have B games?

5) If you know it why did ya make that stupid tastement then? And yes I didn't got what you are saying and I still do. You pirate games on the DS because Nintendo dissapoints you on your WII?
Makes sense when Atari 5200 dissapointed me so much I starting to only play Pirated games on my ZX spectrum.

Jeez dude, if you want to make a point about letdown games, and have to name Heavenly Sword as Nr 3, your whole point is kinda moot. HS was a very good game. Short, but then again, so was Ico.

I'm not gonna start arguing with you about all your "points", like in the old days, 'cause frankly, I got a life beyond this stuff.

Since it's Euro launch, PS3 has offered me enough games, an online feature that works just fine for most games (and when it doesn't that the dev's fault, not Sony's), and an amazing home entertainment package. You can bitch all you want, but the fact is that 99.9% of all consumers play games as ONE of their hobby's. And they're happy with what they've got. Some only want games and prefer 360, some (more) like to move in front of their tv and go for the Wii, and some chose the PS3 because of its lifespan and home entertainment features, on top of what they offer in games.

The conversation we're having here is the question why PS3 remains piracy free. Well, because they got their shit together. And Nintendo didn't. So that's one more choice Sony made, that will help them in the long run. You guys just don't see that the medals are handed out at the end. When every console moves on to a successor.

Oh, and here, one more sign of PS3 tech being the smarter choice in the end.