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talkingparrot said:
Sigh, too many Nintendo apologists on the site. The reality is this - the spiritual succesor to Kingdom Hearts,

FINAL FANTASY VERSUS XIII is a PS3 exclusive. Nomura likes the PS3, not a little, ALOT. Nomura is co-developing two Kingdom Hearts title, one on PSP, and on the DS, and both look amazing.

It is NOT far fetched to see that Kingdom Hearts will stay either exclusive to PS3, 360/PS3, or be Wii / PS2. I don't understand the Nintendo fantacism for wanting Sony to fail on here.

Hmm, I dunno which console the game is going to, but neither do you. I think it is very possible that you're a Sony fanboy.

I know for certain that your talking points don't hold water. Particularly since EA has claimed that Boom Blox sold as well as expected on the Wii, while other games, like RE4, and No More Heroes, sold better than expected on the Wii.

Now you may try to write this off as "corporate lies" so it'll fit your argument, but doing so would be damage control. If one of your talking points is wrong, then most likely all of them are.

Again, I don't know where KH will go, nor do I care. I do, however, not like when people who are ignorant of a lot of sales related issues, try to use them incorrectly as talking points in their fanboy/foeboy arguments on either side.

Get your facts straight. Don't cherrypick. You have no idea where KH will go, but you obviously hope it ends up on a Sony console, as I think it is fairly obvious the source of your reasoning is "hope" rather than "facts." The "facts" tell us it's too early to determine.

I mean, it would make perfect sense for Verses13 to go to PS360, but it's PS3 exclusive. Look at all the exclusive 360 games.

First you claim it's all about profit, then you say it's about who the Kindgom Hearts developer chooses as his favorite. You're contradicting yourself, and your attempts feel like you're just spewing a bunch of facts/opinions taken out of context, in an attempt to get some of them to stick on the wall, in favor of your argument that KH will end up on a Sony console.

I think it is likely that it will, to be honest, however, I don't think that any of your reasoning proves or disproves a single thing, and calling everyone on this site "nintendo apologists" doesn't make your opinion any more valid than anyone elses. Too much "hope" not enough "facts" all around.

Square said they wanted to support the consoles equally. Maybe that'll mean more big IPs to the Wii. Who knows. Now you, you would use that assumption as "evidence." You just can't do that. Until you can predict the future, then I suggest you stop talking in absolutes.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.