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You should know better then this Sven, I am not a Sony cheerleader and that does not make me Anti Sony.

During interviews(and you should know this) I have called out all three on their lies.
This included Miyamoto running damage control for 15 minutes when I mentioned Iwata`s we didnt deliver comments with regards to the Gamecube, Moore getting worked up at X06 when I said three times that Japan was a lost cause for MS and setting Harrison straight at GDC 07 when he said the press had always been anti Sony and how the Dreamcast back in the days was the darling of the press at PS2 expense.

I am not a cheerleader for any of these companies, that however does not make me ANTI.

I like games, good games at that and as such I dont care where they come from.
If I like em I will play them regardless of who made them.