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So, my cousin got a PS3 back in January (despite owing me $300 for over a year).  Since then, he's bought about 8 games.  He's not online.  Anyway, I got my PS3 in June.  I tell him about the PS Store and about my console updates.  He get's the bright idea that he can bring his 40 gig (LOL, I got an 80gig!) Playstation to my house, hook it up to the internet, and update his console so he can use his recently purchased Dual Shock 3 with his older games.

So, the plan works.  I spend about an hour updating his console, and his older games.  He goes home, and hooks his PS3 up.  No picture.  So he calls me back.  "Hey cousin, what'd you do to my PS3?"  I tell him I adjusted the settings.  I set it up for an HDTV, because SD sucks balls.  I tell him to wait until I get off work (two hours from now) and I'll set his PS3 up the way he had it.

The sunnova bitch calls Sony and tells them that he can't see anything.  They tell him to hold some button down, and everything will be back to normal.  He calls me back.  Turns out, all of his game saves, downloads (we downloaded some wallpapers) and even the updates we did today are gone!!  He is so pissed at me!!