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You guys may not know OR remember this but way back in the days of the NES 1st and Super, Nintendo released a piano (KB) that had software in it to teach piano.

Wii music ALSO has a drum simulator in it that uses 1st person perspective to teach people to play the drums. That is cool. If they are able to do that with other instruments it will be cooler-still. 

It may not be a fun game but it is a medium to teach in a more entertaining way. I think this is what Nintendo want they want to make the Wii a tool as well as a game system.

Like I said on my E3 predictions about the DS, they are going to do the same with the Wii. The Wii wont only be an entertainment system but a WAY OF LIFE. That is why the original plans for the Wii board included a heart monitoring device that would up- load work out information to your doctor and or hospital.

They want it to be a part of life not just a game or a living room appliance.

I want to play it not because its a killer app. but because I might learn something in an easy way. I love Nintendo for this, they have always wanted to be like this and the Wii is the realization.

Just try and understand people or "Core" fans the Wii IS NOT FOR YOU! IT'S FOR EVERYBODY. (Hence the name Wii as in WE not us or them).