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If I had to wager a guess, I'd say it is a Timed Exclusive for the PS3

However, since Versus is Nomura's project, I think he has enough clout to keep it on the PS3. It seems with each passing year that Nomura gains more power and can do whatever the %&$! he wants. It seems like this most recent Square Enix Party was the performance of "Tetsuya Nomura Starship featuring The Square Enix Experience"

Maybe SE is thinking that by the time Versus comes out, FFXIII will have already hit and the PS3 will have seen increased sales Worldwide (especially Japan). As well as other games like WKC and GT5 helping drive overall PS3 sales, thus making the port to the 360 less needed. Or simply, maybe a port to the 360 at a later date will depend on how well Versus sells.