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Prodigy_BE said:
There are too many gates that have to be passed, if you want to hack your PS3. You have to chip your console, get a BD burner, get clean BD disks, and be able to move huge quantities of data.

A big plus for Sony, towards publishers.

And even if hackers manage to pass all their gates, Sony still has a secret weapon:
Every HDtv set has a piece of hardware that checks the source of what comes through the HDMI port. They don't use it now, but IF pirates hack the PS3, they will. So if you play a non-original game through HDMI, your HDtv will say: "you're not coming in through here". So you'll have to chip your TV also.

And believe me, few people will do that.

So in the end, Sony vs Pirates: 1 - 0

(and it's also one of the big reason the film industry will start to push BD a lot more when the holiday season starts.


 So the games would have to be made aware of this restriction, which btw only works on HDMi so what to do with people who play with a VGA connection or God forbid on an SD TV, does Sony want to exclude all those customers from one day to the next?


Something tells me you didnt quite think your response trough.

Kind of dissapointing for a man who for years was the EIC of the Official Playstation Magazine over here.

Now why dont you go load up some more pirated games on your DS?


Oh BTW, email me I have stuff to ask and lost yer phone number :)