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Who cares who wins the next video format? Do we as consumers get anything out of it either way. BD vs HDDVD pricing - HDDVD is a little cheaper quality = 1080p is 1080p is there anything else to compare?...nope. DVD to ^^ pricing DVD is significantly cheaper for both movies and especially hardware. quality - DVD is not 1080p, but a good upgradable DVD player using HDMI looks fantastic already soo.... is it worth the 8x the cost for a player and 1.5x the cost for a movie...not in my book. Unless you already own one of the two format's players it really doesn't make a difference which wins. I definately am not buying one until their prices come down to sub $300 and the movies come down in price as well. NextGen consoles on the other hand are vital to world security and stability. MS controls too much as it is, Sony is a big headed sob and forces too much on an end user, whereas Nintendo just focuses on one thing. games. As for the actual topic question. This should remain a game centric site. The video format war has almost nothing to do with games.