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Wow, you're really behind on those lol. Sony should try and capitalize on the Final Fantasy 7 craze. I'm sure that'd sell a whole lot as a 'PS1 Classic' download on the Playstation Store.

Heck, if square announced a next-gen remake, that would get pretty hyped up. I believe rumors keep going around (though they were debunked) about a FF7 remake in development since the FF7 tech demo on the PS3 hardware in (I think) 2005.

I'm not a big fan of FF7 because of it's blocky graphics, but people swear by it as an amazing game. I have it on the PC, but it only supports VERY LOW resolutions so it looks like a blur on the game when playing that makes me sick after a short time, that's the bigger reason why I don't like it that much. I thought FFVIII wasn't bad and I also have (and enjoy) FFX.