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makingmusic476 said:
FJ-Warez said:
DMeisterJ said:
I need to see this applicable in a game, aside from Wii Sports: Resort to get hyped for this.

Cuz I'm not seeing it right now.


Please, get yourself some info before make some statements like this, the add on was announced a few days ago, the add on will be launched next year... how do you expect to see it in more games now?'?


All he said was he's not hyped yet.  He didn't say he won't be in the future, nor did he say that Resort will be the only game using MotionPlus.

No need to get so defensive.


Go back and read his comment, the "now" part is the part that doesn´t make sense, BTW is not been defensive is called common sense...


By me:

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